Church Welcome Email series
A $50 fix that could make or break your welcome ministry
Imagine that a new parishioner registers in your parish. Which person do you think is more likely to come back for Mass that Sunday?
The person who never hears from the parish again unless they need money?
Or the person who gets a welcome letter from the pastor in their email the next day?
First impressions are SO IMPORTANT when it comes to enticing new parishioners to come back for Mass. You work so hard to put together insightful homilies, meaningful outreach opportunities, and impactful ministries - don't let that good work go to waste! Put in a little bit of effort when new parishioners sign up for your parish, and then watch that come back tenfold in engaged, happy, and active parishioners.
Let us help you put together an automated welcome email series to entice those new parishioners to return for more. We will help you set up and write a 3-5 email welcome series that will make your new parishioners feel like they are a part of the family in no time.
From a welcome letter to the pastor to an overview of ministries and parish contact information, a welcome email series can make the difference between seeing your parishioners at Easter and sacraments and having them become your next star volunteer or donor.
We can help you bridge that gap. We'll set up and write your automated emails for only $50. Trust us, it is quite possibly the best investment your parish will ever make.
Contact us today to get started!